I’ve been on the shared hosting ride for a while now I think it’s time I get a dedicated server I tend to feel more secure that way and I believe it will help me learn more about security and just over having fun getting the rust off some of what I call skills. It’s in no part a costly dedicated server but I feel it’s right for my use if I need to upgrade or make changes I can do that along the way but I sleep better at night knowing it’s on a dedicated environment.
I decided to go with a different control panel as well since well cpanel is nice and all but sometimes I just like fewer restrictions and more freedom. I haven’t been a fan of them since they changed up everything anyways but I just roll with the hits.
Recently I got to thinking to move away from wordpress but what else is as simple as WordPress granted they have website builders like wix but for one side it’s like 2 start bucks coffees