I’ve used this on paltalk, msn and skype it and it all seems work with webcammax just fine I guess thats what I like most about it. I’ve tried others but they all seem a bit more confusing when this is straight forward. I do like the way you can share your desktop within your cam that’s a pretty sweet feature when trying to show someone how to do something and stay on cam I’d give that an A+
I like the effects that come with Webcammax as well there are so many I haven’t gotten a chance to use them all there are so much .
Support: (I didn’t need support cause this works so well)
Reliability: 10 (I’ve used this for 4 hours none stop)
Stability: 10 (It’s a very stable software)
You may check it out here or type the url in your browser webcammax.com
I’m still amazed as the progress of this software it’s grew and got better and better they kept the same graphical interface just added more this is the way software should be. Keep the look just add and update bugs and such.
This is trusted by many popular software venders so you know your using quality software granted I sound like I’m trying to sell this software to you when I’m just telling about the great qualitys it has going for it.
I’ve tried other webcam software that lacked the features above some just had a static page with a download link which yelled the words sketchy a mile away. I’ve tried to compare other software to WebcamMAX but can’t hands down I’d say it’s the best.
Most of all I like there page it’s clean it’s straight to the point not hidden ads or muss or fuss. It gives you screen shots of the product so you know what your downloading even tells you its supports windows 7 as well always handy. Even gives you buy now , and support page just incase you need some type of help so to get to the point is that there websites nice and clean just makes it easier on you to browse it and get where you going to fast. I love the fact that they have an effects library so if there something new they made I can get that added to my collection. Some of these effects just make you stand out a bit if even you try to talk like your not doing anything but you really are just trying to trick your friends in to thinking there just seeing things