Updated 12/13/2023
- Constant.com (Dedicated servers in NJ)
- Serverpronto.com (Atlanta, GA / Miami, FL)
- Server4you (St. Louis, MO USA / Strasbourg, Europe)
- Hugeserver.com (Los Angeles, CA)
- Weservit.nl (The Netherlands)
- Dacentec.com (N C, USA)
- Nocix.net (Kansas City, Missouri)
- Leapswitch.com (Asheville, North Carolina/ India Pune/ Lisbon, Portugal/South Bend, Indiana/ Los Angeles, CA/Madrid, Spain / Dallas, TX/ Scranton, Pennsylvania/ Orlando, Florida)
- Quickpacket.com (Alanta, GA / Los Angeles)
- Redstation.com (Maidenhead, England / Gosport, England)
- Budgetvm.com (Los Angeles, CA / Chicago, IL / Dallas, TX / Miami, FL)
- Buyvm.net (las Vegas, NV / New York / Miami, FL / Luxembourg EU)
- Zare.com (London, United Kingdom / Bristol, United Kingdom / Amsterdam Netherlands / New York, USA)
- Wholesaleinternet.net (Kansas City, MO)
- Hivelocity.net (Tampa, FL / Alanta GA, Dedicated and Vps L.A CA)
- Snelserver.com (Rotterdam The Netherlands)
- Worldstream.nl (The Netherlands)
- Namecheap.com (Phoenix, Arizona)
- Quadranet.com (Los Angels,CA / Dallas, TX / Atlanta, GA / New Jersey , Seattle, WA)
Removed sites
- netdepot – looks like they were bought out and the site has since changed
- volumedrive – website has been down for years
- Cyberbunker – Website offline seized by the governments
- OVH.com – No longer supports usa signups there for I no longer support them
- GlobalFrag.com – bought out by another company. don’t know much about the company
- Online.net – bought out by another company. don’t know much about the compnay