Have you heard of counter.social?

I’ve been exploring different types of social media networks alike twitter and I just can’t find anything compared to it other than counter. Social owned by Jester I have to give this guy some credit for running this site when he first mentioned his social media network on twitter I had to check it out.

If you think about the number of skills The Jester has and putting it toward counter.social you can imagine it’s going to be created revolved around freedom of speech as well as reducing the amount of spam bots etc. Maybe Elon Should take notes from the way The Jester Runs things at Counter Social.

Since I’ve been on the site I was welcomed by community as well as they actually are willing to talk to you and give you advise. Even The Jester jumped in on conversation.

Site: Counter.Social

Rating: 1 – 10 (I give it 100)

Author: Chris

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