I do offer webmaster services this is the only time I’ve actually mentioned it if anyone is interested or has questions just reach out. I’ve seen alot of hosting sites are all the same layout I’m doing this different.
Why is priced high? You more personalized service depending on who or what your needs are. If you need a site with failover ip address
Why don’t you advertise this? I’d prefer word of mouth,
I’m experienced I don’t need your help? That’s fine I can suggest good hosting providers for those who are experienced just let them know mrgeekchris suggested
How much experience do you have? 15 years
Why have a blog? Why not perhaps you can learn from it.
Do you sell domains? Yes but I’d prefer you buy your own domain.
Will you help me connect my domain to my hosting or your hosting? Yes
I don’t know what I’m doing will you help me? yes